The Only Forensic Microbial Investigative Company in Australia

Mycotox stands at the forefront of forensic microbial investigation in Australia, offering a unique and comprehensive approach to assessing building health and its impact on occupants. Our expertise lies in uncovering hidden environmental triggers that may be causing a wide range of health issues, from common symptoms to more serious conditions.

Comprehensive Building and Health Assessment

We specialize in investigating the intricate relationship between your living environment and your health. Our forensic microbial investigations look beyond visible mold, examining the full spectrum of microbial contamination in water-damaged buildings. We search for indicators of inflammation and illness that may be linked to your home’s environment, including:

  • Respiratory issues (e.g., asthma, sinus problems)
  • Neurological symptoms (e.g., headaches, brain fog)
  • Musculoskeletal complaints (e.g., joint pain)
  • Chronic diseases (e.g., Parkinson’s, motor neuron disease)
  • Certain types of cancers
  • Other conditions related to inflammatory responses

Advanced Diagnostic Tools

Mycotox employs cutting-edge technology to provide a thorough assessment:

  1. Visual Contrast Sensitivity (VCS) Testing: We utilize Surviving Mould’s VCS test to evaluate potential biotoxin illness by assessing an individual’s ability to distinguish contrast.
  2. Photocatalytic Air Purification System (PAPS): Our proprietary PAPS technology has been shown to reduce negative gene expression, potentially mitigating the effects of environmental triggers on health.

These tools provide valuable data for medical professionals to interpret the building’s impact on occupants and guide strategies to reduce inflammation by eliminating environmental triggers.

Comprehensive Investigation Approach

Our investigations go beyond surface-level assessments:

  • We identify hidden moisture and condensation pathways that may harbor unseen contamination.
  • We assess both visible and invisible microbial growth.
  • We evaluate the contamination levels of building contents, which often mirror the building’s contamination.

Expert Remediation Guidance

Following our thorough investigation, Mycotox provides:

  • A detailed scope of works for remediation and decontamination.
  • Recommendations for qualified companies to undertake the necessary remediation.

Why Choose Mycotox?

As the only forensic microbial investigative company in Australia, Mycotox offers:

  • Unparalleled expertise in building health assessment
  • Advanced diagnostic tools not available elsewhere
  • A holistic approach considering both building and occupant health
  • Comprehensive remediation guidance

Make the right choice for your health and home. Choose Mycotox for expert forensic microbial investigation that goes beyond the visible to uncover the root causes of building-related health issues.