Inflammation Is Why You Need Us!
The Only Forensic Microbial Investigative Company In Australia
Looking at the health of the building and how it impacts the family.
Determining if there are indications of inflammation like Asthma, Sinus Headaches, Brain Fog, Joint Pain, Anxiety, Chemical Sensitivity, Weird Temperature Dysregulation, and other diseases, including Cancers, Parkinson’s, Dementia and Motor Neuron Disease.
Inflammatory Testing
Using Surviving Mould’s Visual Contrast Sensitivity (VCS) testing and then utilising own Australian-designed Photocatalytic Air Purifying System (PAPS).
Our testing delivers comprehensive data for your medical physician to assess the impact of the building on your health and determine how much inflammation can be reduced by eliminating environmental inflammatory triggers
Advanced Indoor Environmental Data Collection
Our testing evaluation uses the Gray Wolf System. The most advanced system in Australia for documenting total Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), Temperature, Humidity, Carbon Dioxide and Carbon Monoxide levels. Our Client Report identifies all these combined levels in all rooms tested.