Headaches & Airborne Mould Spore
Fungi can produce Microbial Volatile Compounds, Mycotoxins, and fine fungal particulates which all can have an impact in various health forms. Microbial volatile organic compounds (MVOC) have been suggested to affect human health, causing lethargy and headaches (Relevance of airborne fungi and their secondary metabolites for environmental, occupational and indoor hygiene Guido Fischer and Wolfgang Dott)
Symptoms where an outbreak of allergic respiratory disease occurred in a new building that was characterized from initial occupancy by the presence of extensive visible mould (especially Aspergillus versicolor) on interior surfaces, included 27% of staff reporting headaches. The building was remediated and Symptom rates just before building re-entry were substantially lower than those found before evacuation and have remained unchanged after re-occupancy was completed. This suggests that exposure to the organisms that had been removed showed a correlation between headaches and the Aspergillus versicolor organism which had contaminated the building. ( Applied Occupational and Environmental Hygiene Volume 16, Issue 3, 2001 )
Airborne fungi have been postulated as a cause of U002 symptoms among office workers. Using the MAST chemiluminescent system, this study evaluated 36 IgG and 36 IgE antibody levels in 47 office workers from an area with elevated airborne fungal concentrations and 44 office workers from an otherwise similar area with lower airborne fungal exposure. Those workers with symptoms which included headache, fatigue, stuffy nose, irritated eyes, or sore throat were more likely to have one positive IgE antibody test.( Environmental Research Volume 76, Issue 2, February 1998, Pages 85-93
Headaches and migraines are poorly understood by the academic medical community. Doctors prescribe many pain relievers, but can’t tell you why you suffer from headaches(Candida albicans (yeast), Headaches and Migraines by Bruce Semon, M.D., Ph.D. (read more)
We know that the blood vessels are affected in some way.
In migraine, for example, the vessels swell up, leading to pain, and to the compounds which constrict the vessels.
You can prevent these headaches by treating yeast inside your body, both by taking an anti-yeast medication called nystatin and changing your diet.
How can this be?
The yeast Candida Albicans is a normal resident inside of the intestinal tract. This yeast can also be found at times in the mouth. Sometimes this yeast overgrows and the doctor recognizes this overgrowth of yeast as a yeast infection as thrush.
The yeast Candida albicans makes many chemicals which are toxic to the brain. These chemicals include toxic alcohols, aldehydes as well as the powerful brain poison hydrogen sulfide. Yeast and fungus are also present in the food. For example, vinegar is spoiled wine. Wine is made by yeast and many yeast chemicals are present in vinegar. Malt is made by sprouting barley and then heating it. The resulting malt is sold as a sugar substitute and is baked into many products. Malt also contains many chemicals which affect the brain.
The chemicals in malt which are made by yeast all slow the brain down. Thus the body tries to prevent these chemicals from ever getting to the brain.
Fungi also make chemicals which are toxic to the brain. I have found from clinical experience that foods contaminated by yeast or fungus, for example, peanuts, or foods in which yeast has been present, such as vinegar, are all headache causers.
Why might these chemicals cause headaches?
Most of these chemicals should be cleared by the liver but not all are. No one knows exactly what these chemicals do when they get to the blood vessels of the brain.
I propose the following explanation. One way to prevent such chemicals from passing through the cells of the blood vessels is for these blood vessels to swell up in an inflammatory response. Then perhaps the chemicals will stay in the cells lining the blood vessels rather than getting into the brain. The result will be pain but the brain will be protected.
I have treated many people for headaches and migraines. I have found that the best solution is to avoid foods containing chemicals made by yeast and fungus which are toxic to the brain.
The first foods to eliminate are vinegar, malt, chocolate, pickled foods alcoholic beverages, non-alcoholic beer, peanuts, soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, and cottonseed oil.
There are many more foods, and treatment with the anti-yeast medication nystatin also helps. Nystatin is not absorbed and has no significant side effects.
The diet for Candida problems consists of removing fermented foods from the diet. The worst offenders are alcoholic beverages and non-alcoholic beer, vinegar, barley malt, chocolate, pickles, and aged cheese. I explain the diet very thoroughly, including how to implement the diet for children, in An Extraordinary Power to Heal and Feast Without Yeast
One of the symptoms of mould exposure is a headache but interesting is the fact that there are some fungal components which have been used to treat cluster headaches in Microbiology 2009 the following was presented “Fungi known to cure headaches come from the phylum psilocybe. These are also known as magic mushrooms. They contain psilocybin, a hallucinogenic chemical. Scientists believe that the reason it helps with headaches is because this is a chemical that is similar to serotonin, a neurotransmitter. It is not known if this is the true reason and how it works. Studies do show that these mushrooms have positive effects on cluster headaches, headaches that occur periodically. 85% of the subjects experienced at least one immediate relief. 95% of the subjects experienced a longer duration between their next attack.”
But magic mushrooms produce a chemical which has been presented as LSD so trying that we would suggest would not be the wisest route to take, the ergot alkaloids produced by fungi also can kill other fungal organisms, this area has not been studied very well to date.
Symptoms of Mould Exposure
Feeling tired:
How many times have you felt unwell tired, and it’s an effort just to keep going There’s a musty smell in your home or place of work, but no one is listening. Sometimes you feel like you’re going crazy because everyone is telling you there’s nothing wrong. Guess what! You may not be crazy! Start really looking at your indoor environment. You may not see the mould it maybe under kitchen cupboards behind skirting boards in wall cavities.
Here is the common sense way to detect if you are affect by your environment go away , stay with a friend if things improve guess what you are probably reacting to you indoor environment.
Shortness of breath:
Naturally shortness of breath can be associated with numerous health issues, lack of exercise, smoking the list goes on, so don’t just grab one or two symptoms and go into fungal melt down just look at everything but at the same time realise that Symptoms of severe reactions include fever and difficulty breathing. People with compromised immune systems or those with chronic lung disease can develop serious infections of the lungs due to moulds.
Eye irritation:
Eye irritation, such as itchy, red, watery eyes – The most common effects are allergic responses from breathing mould spores but exposure to fine fungal and bacterial components can cause a direct reaction. These allergic responses include hay fever or asthma and irritation of the eyes, nose, throat or lungs. We usually cannot say how much mold is too much as our reactions to allergens can vary greatly depending on individual sensitivity. Allergic responses can come from exposure to dead as well as to living mold spores and their fragments. Therefore, killing mold with bleach and or other disinfectants may not prevent allergic responses.
Throat & Nasal Issues from Mould Exposure
Sore throat:
Mold may not cause health effects in some individuals, or it may lead to symptoms in people who are sensitive to moulds or who have an existing chemical body burden from previous chemical exposures or who are exposed to low levels of fungal or bacterial irritants over a long period of time (chronic exposure).
Allergic reactions to mould are the most common health effects of mould. Allergic reactions may happen immediately or develop after a period of time following exposure. Mould is normally associated with bacterial contamination and both produce fine fragments which may cause immune reactions in tissue (inflammation). Once again leave the exposure for a number of days and it goes away-then come back and the health concern comes back then you have a reasonable idea there is something in your environment that your body doesn’t like
Runny nose or sinuses issues:
Sinus problems such as stuff and runny nose (rhinosinusitis) are very common. Surgery levels are higher than what we may be lead to believe to control rhinosinusitis. About 20% of chronic rhinosinusitis patients also experience chronic fatigue. Fungal balls in the sphenoid sinus cavity are not that rare. Sinus problems are often triggered by exposure to molds in the air and/or localized infection of molds (fungus) or bacterium in Sphenoid exudates’ fungal debris, oxalate crystals are often reported- oxalic acid is a fungal Mycotoxin. Several studies have reported that over 90% of rhinosinusitis patients have mold growth in the sinus cavities.
Bleeding nose:
there can be numerous reasons for a bleeding nose but fungal and bacterial components which fall in into the PM 2.5 and below have been documented to cause irritation and inflammation of tissue. Ongoing irritation may eventually lead to or result in a bleeding nose – here in Australia we have been able to see this occurring in numerous clients and when those client are removed from that environment or its professionally decontaminated that symptom disappears- you would immediately leap to the conclusion that it was something in their indoor environment which triggered the response.
Increased environmental and chemical sensitivities:
The issues here are very diverse and with such a wide range of variables there is still a lot more research has to be carried out.
Drs. Rossenbaum and Susser, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (Environmental Sensitivities) is progressive in nature. The stages are as follows:
- Exposure
- Susceptibility
- Sensitivity
- Localized symptoms
- Multichemical sensitivity
- Spreading Symptoms
It’s a biggy and for those affected their lives can completely change the symptoms affect nearly every part of the body to include
Central Nervous System, Emotional, Gastrointestinal, Respiratory, Skin, Musculoskeletal, Genitourinary, Cardiovascular, Eyes, Ears
These are the same areas that various forms of chemical exposure can affect and a lot people don’t realize that mould and bacteria also produce toxins- toxins are poisons- poisons are chemicals.
MCS individuals should try where possible to reduce the body burden exposure and as such should reduce their exposure to fungal and bacterial contamination and detoxify where their clinician deems it’s safe.
Rashes & Mould Related Skin Conditions
Many symptoms and human health effects attributed to inhalation of Mycotoxins have been reported including: mucous membrane irritation, and skin rashes. A rash that most people are familiar with is the common ring worm which is a skin fungal infection.
The medical term for ringworm is tinea. (Tinea is the Latin name for a growing worm.) Doctors add another word to indicate where the fungus is located. Tinea capitis, for instance, refers to scalp ringworm, tinea corporis to fungus of the body, tinea pedis to fungus of the feet, and so on
Although the world is full of yeasts, moulds, and fungi, only a few cause skin problems. These agents are called the dermatophytes, (skin fungi) an infection with these fungi is sometimes known as dermatophytosis.
Inspection study
Various skin rashes have been associated with fungal/bacterial exposures ,just recently our company was involved with a client on the mid north coast who sent us samples for identification, as she was having major skin irritations and she had various medical specialists, she thought the white spots were a bug of some description but they were simply skins cells- she sent tape lifts from her skin and our mycologist identified fungal hyphal growth tips which appeared to possibly be causing a skin problems. She found by washing with anti fungal agents it brought some relief, meanwhile her family were telling her people will think you’ve gone mad, we suggested we should be looking at her unit which maybe the source. Her issue was she was only a pensioner and finances were limited
We headed up to her unit with a thermal camera and within 5 minutes had found the source of the mould, the bathroom shower was leaking badly under the house the mould was confluent (heaps). On the topside of the particle board flooring in two bedrooms, hallway and under the bathroom was totally wet with mould rampant in underlay’s and flooring. Samples identified the same fungal hyphal with growing tips as were seen on her skin irritations. Interesting that the owners had a pest inspection not that long before we attended, which reported there were no white ants and the building was completely dry. The water damage from the shower had been ongoing for years.
Had the pest inspector found the water issue then we may have been able to have had the client take samples from the damaged areas and send them to us- at least it would have saved her the cost of us driving nearly 3 hours up the highway and back to find an extremely blatant problem.
The result she had to move out and find other accommodation with a slow decrease in her rashes.
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