Revealing Hidden Hazards

Mycotox Australia’s Comprehensive Testing Approach

Mycotox Australia is at the forefront of assessing microbial contamination in water-damaged buildings, extending far beyond mere fungal analysis. Their comprehensive testing protocol encompasses a broad spectrum of microbial detection to ensure a thorough evaluation of the environment when necessary.

Mycotox Australia employs a comprehensive methodology to assess microbial contamination in buildings, particularly those affected by water damage. Their testing protocols cover various aspects of moisture and microbial presence, ensuring a thorough evaluation of the environment. Below are the key areas of focus in their testing approach, along with suggested subtitles for each section.

Moisture Assessment

Infrared and Moisture Meter Evaluation

The initial phase of testing involves assessing moisture levels using infrared cameras in conjunction with moisture meters. This dual approach allows for the validation of infrared data, ensuring accuracy in identifying moisture issues within the building.

Humidity and Vapor Pressure Measurement

Complementing the moisture assessment, humidity levels and vapor pressure are measured to gain insights into the atmospheric conditions within the building. This data is critical for understanding the environment that may promote microbial growth.

Concrete Moisture Testing

In instances where concrete moisture content is a concern, Mycotox Australia utilizes drilling techniques to install relative humidity probes. This method provides precise measurements of moisture levels within concrete structures, addressing potential sources of contamination.

Detection of Microbial Activity

Microbial Volatile Organic Compounds (MVOCs)

To detect MVOCs, adsorption tubes are employed, which are subsequently analyzed using Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) technology. This analysis helps identify microbial activity that could compromise the integrity of the building and affect occupant health.

Airborne Microbial Sampling

Airborne samples are collected to assess bacterial and fungal populations present in the environment. Specific tests are conducted for bacterial endotoxins and fungal toxins, collectively referred to as mycotoxins. This step is crucial in determining the potential health risks associated with microbial exposure.

Particulate Matter Analysis

Focus on PM 2.5 and Smaller Particles

Mycotox Australia places particular emphasis on airborne particulate matter, especially PM 2.5 and smaller particles. These particles are known to transport fungal toxins and bacterial fragments, and in some cases, they may harbor viruses such as mycoviruses, posing additional health risks.

Health Impact Testing

Urine Testing for Mycotoxins

For individuals who may have been exposed to microbial contaminants, urine testing is available to detect the presence of mycotoxins. This testing is essential for correlating environmental exposure with potential health effects, providing valuable information for health assessments.

Genetic Analysis of Fungal Species

Fungal DNA Analysis

Lastly, genetic analysis of fungal DNA is performed to accurately identify the species present in the environment. This analysis can be cross-referenced with biopsy tissue when available, offering a comprehensive understanding of the species involved at the exposure site.Through this meticulous and multi-faceted approach, Mycotox Australia ensures that every aspect of microbial contamination is examined, providing peace of mind and a safer environment for occupants